
The Greater Good: 4 Benefits of Making Monthly Donations

With daily commitments such as work, school, or raising a family keeping you extremely busy, it may feel impossible at times to make contributions to charity on a regular basis. These obligations keep you hopping and it is understandable that you may not be able to donate your spare time to an organization because you may not have any.

The good news is, you can still make significant and helpful contributions in a way where the charity will benefit. For instance, you can make monthly donations to a children’s charity of your choice. Monthly donations are automatic payments to a charity of your choice through an arrangement via your financial institution or the charity itself and below are reasons to consider this process in the event you want to make contributions to a charitable organization.

1. Flexible

Recurring monthly donations sounds like a huge commitment that can potentially lead to a lot of pressure but it definitely does not have to be this way. While under this arrangement you will be giving regularly, you absolutely will not be expected to give more than you can afford. Initially you can set up payments for whatever you feel you can give.

In the event you feel this commitment has become too much due to a decrease in cash flow, you can easily adjust the amount of your donation accordingly to as little as $10 per month, ensuring you are still doing your part to give to charity while still being mindful of your own financial circumstances.

2. Set & forget

Taking the time to give to charitable organizations should not be difficult but it is admittedly not at the top of most people’s priority lists due to commitments that take up a lot of time. As mentioned, monthly donations can be arranged through your financial institution or the charity of your choice with the amount desired and the date it is to be withdrawn from your account specified by you.

This arrangement allows you to avoid scrambling to get cash to give to a charity especially during a holiday season when you are more than likely busy enough with other obligations.

3. Cost-effective

Monthly donations could be expensive and although this is dependent on how much you commit to donating, it can be a very cost-effective process. If you are committed to donating to charity you can easily fit your donations into your monthly budget, ensuring that you can make your contributions, you are never short money, and you are never surprised by unexpected withdrawals.

If you choose to, you can usually set up monthly donations that come off your paycheque. This means that your contributions are made even before your pay is deposited into your account and people often do not miss this given amount because it never reaches them in the first place. Costs can also be saved with monthly donations because you can avoid materials and postage fees required to send contributions by mail.

4. Win-win

Monthly contributions are beneficial because they benefit not only the charity, but you too. The charity that receives your donations are able to help those that need it most and often there are incentive programs where your donations are matched, leading to even more contributions that the charity can benefit from.

You as the donor also stand to benefit because you can claim monthly donations on your tax return and charities are known to give the occasional gift to recurring donors. While the ultimate goal of your donations is to help those in need, these incentives make your actions even more worth it.

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