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7 Early Signs of a Cavity Forming in Your Teeth

What is a cavity? Cavities are permanently damaged areas that occur in the hard areas of your teeth. They develop into small holes or openings in the tooth. Cavities develop for several reasons. Some of the most common reasons why cavities form include:

  • a lack of teeth brushing, which causes high amounts of bacteria in the mouth
  • eating and drinking sugary items
  • consuming excessive amounts of acidic food and drink

When your teeth are hurting, this could be one of the early signs of a cavity forming. Most of us have gone through the unpleasant experience of getting a cavity. Thankfully, any dentist can repair cavities and restore the tooth, so that it no longer causes pain or discomfort.

If you believe you have a cavity, check whether you have these seven following signs of a cavity forming:

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7 Great Dental Hygiene Tips for Adults and Kids

Everyone wants that dazzling smile that lights up a room, but it’s impossible to do if you don’t have practice dental hygiene regularly. Not taking care of your teeth and gums can lead to a host of problems, from gum disease to cavities and oral cancer to general bad health coming into play.

While some people willingly neglect their dental hygiene, others think they are doing everything they can to protect their gums and teeth when in reality they aren’t. You need to learn the best dental hygiene tips and make sure you’re taking care of your teeth properly.

From keeping those dental appointments to brushing and flossing the way you should, you need to realize that your dental health affects your entire body in the long run. Besides, who doesn’t want to have healthy, strong teeth and a dazzling smile? You can! You just have to work to keep it.

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7 Noticeable Signs of Depression in the Workplace

Statistics indicate that one in every seven people in the workplace is going through depression, the more significant percentage being women. Depression in the workplace is not a new concept. It can be triggered by several factors. These include working parent guilt, feeling trapped, financial issues, unreasonable demands, bullying, low morale or harassment. Employers should, therefore, create an environment that is safe, transparent and one where employees feel supported, both professionally and on a personal level.

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7 Common Causes of High Blood Pressure in Young Adults

Your blood pressure is the measure of the blood that is pumping around your body. This is something that your doctor will keep a close eye on throughout your life. High or low blood pressure can be one of the first indications that something is wrong.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is when your blood pressure levels exceed the normal range. You may not even feel any discomfort but over time it means that your heart is working harder than it should. If high blood pressure is left untreated it can cause an increased risk of kidney disease, heart failure and stroke.

Identifying the causes of high blood pressure in young adults is very important, since it will mean the long term damage will not have time to present itself.

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12 Interesting Pregnancy Superstitions Around the World

Pregnancy is always a unique and life-changing experience. Being an expectant mother, however, is not always easy. This is especially true if you believe, or if the people around you believe in some strange pregnancy superstitions.

Here are some pregnancy superstitions from all around the world. Which one seems the most bizarre to you?

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Keep Calm & Carry On: 6 Anger Management Tips to Tame Your Temper

Many people have anger issues but only some of them can really see it. Others don’t think it is a problem, even though it may be. It can be a really frustrating thing to deal with. It can also be very difficult to deal with or even overcome. Yet, it is possible.

Having anger issues can be due to any number of reasons. It may be a side effect of a medication. It could be for some reason that’s deep within you that you just cannot identify. People who were once easygoing and carefree may find that they have anger problems later on in life. To try and manage these problems, let’s take a look at some helpful tips to help you manage your anger.

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Run Free: 7 Physiotherapy Tips to Help Runners Prevent Injuries

Running is a strenuous activity. It is most people’s exercise of choice, especially when looking to lose weight or stay fit. Whether you run to stay fit or lose weight; or perhaps you are a professional runner, there is a temptation to push yourself a little too far. When this happens, injuries invariably occur as your hips, feet, legs, knees and your back absorb the gruelling punishment.

There are, however, physiotherapy solutions that can treat, or prevent, running injuries that could interfere with your running routine.

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Don’t Frown: 10 Ways to Overcome Dentist Anxiety and Fear

If you’re afraid to go to the dentist, you’re not the only one. Up to 20 percent of adults avoid dental visits due to fear or anxiety. People with dental phobia usually know that their fear is unfounded or irrational, but can’t do anything about it. They avoid dental visits until the pain is unbearable. In some cases, psychiatric consultation is required.

Some typical symptoms of dental fear or anxiety include feeling physically ill or upset at the thought of going to the dentist; nervousness that escalates while waiting in the dentist’s office; trouble sleeping the night before a dentist appointment; and panic when dental implements are place in one’s mouth.

There are a lot of reasons why people have anxiety or fear about going to the dentist, from feelings of helplessness, fear of anaesthetic, fear of needles, fear of pain, and embarrassment. If this sounds like you, keep reading for XX tips to help you overcome the fear and anxiety of your next dental visit.

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Healthy Cuisine: 5 Shopping Guidelines at a Health Food Store

A considerable chunk of the new year is already gone, but that doesn’t mean you should completely abandon your goals. In fact, with the pressure out of the way, you may even have a better opportunity to achieve your aims, including eating right.

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to change your dietary habits. Everything from consuming more vegetables to ditching red meat, many of us attempt to maintain healthier feeding behaviours. After years of being accustomed to Big Macs, Coca-Cola, and Oreos, is it achievable? Of course it is! It takes dedication, positive reinforcement, and motivation.

The first stop you need to make, though, is the health food store: your go-to source.

Health food stores will likely be your home away from home as you scour the aisles, peruse through the flyers, and compare the ingredients for a wide array of products.

Unsure how to begin? Here are five healthy tips to shop at a health food store:

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Without a Trace: 6 Steps to Reduce Tummy Tuck Scars

One very common cosmetic procedure is a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. People have this for any number of reasons which include dramatic weight loss, pregnancy or due to the passing of time.

Sometimes, people are just fed up of working so hard to get rid of the tummy flab that they opt for a tummy tuck. They can hardly be blamed, because the excess fat in the tummy area can be one of the hardest things to get rid of.

Apart from getting rid of excess fat, a tummy tuck can also help to tighten abdominal muscles and reduce the waistline. However, this procedure can cause scarring, so let’s take a look at some of the best tips to reduce scars after a tummy tuck.

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