
Top 4 Reasons DIY Pest Control is Ineffective and Dangerous

In today’s world, DIY solutions on the internet reign supreme. However, not every do-it-yourself lifehack is as reliable as it may seem. An area that DIY is not only ineffective but also dangerous is pest control. This expertise requires the knowledge of a professional in order to be efficient and safe. Here are four reasons that DIY pest control could put you, your home, and your loved ones in jeopardy.

1. Surface Application is Unreliable

Many over-the-counter products are surface treatments. However, the application of such chemicals without proper knowledge might make the problem worse. Often, the chemical wears off a surface before a pest has the chance to come in contact with it. In the event that a pest does encounter a site, it most likely will not pick up enough for a lethal dose. This gives the pests more time to destroy your home before you have no choice but to call a professional

2. Short-Term Solution

If a DIY pest solution does work and manages to kill some pests, chances are that it will only delay the problem. Killing one mouse or one ant does not kill them all. In fact, the points of entry into your home will still be open for more pests to take advantage of and create a larger nest or hive. One of the most popular products, bug-bombs, may actually do more harm than good. Instead of killing the swarm of bugs at the source, it disperses the pests leading to even more property damage until the destruction is either extremely costly or irreversible. There are online resources available at Quality Affordable Pest Control, which may provide you with more information.

3. Dangerous Chemicals

By applying DIY pest control products within your home, you risk the contamination of your air and water supply. Some chemicals are so dangerous, that even physical contact can be harmful. Professionals avoid that risk in your home. Each product needs to be handled with care to be not only effective but also safe.

4. Waste of Time and Money

Delaying the use of a professional exterminator will cost you valuable time and money. With DIY solutions, pests will continue to invade your home causing expensive damage. Plus, the time one spends trying to fix a pest problem on their own can often be handled much more quickly by a professional.

Professional pest control gets it right the first time. Only they know how to assess the many factors that weigh into an infestation solution such as weather and climate, extermination location, application method, the type of pest, and which product to use. Something as foundational as identifying the type of pest can be difficult. Save your resources, and ask for help today.

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