
Fancy Houses: 7 Essential Tasks When Staging a Luxury Home

One of the surest strategies of selling a luxury home quickly is through home staging. Staging your home dramatically unveils its full potential by allowing potential clients a sneak peek into how they would feel once they purchase the home.

Effective luxury home staging not only requires careful attention to detail, but it also necessitates a thorough understanding of current trends in luxury décor and furniture. To achieve the greatest impact with your home staging, we recommend the following seven tasks.

1. Go for Neutral Colours

Maintaining colour neutrality throughout your home allows potential buyers to see themselves in the home. Strong, vibrant tones can turn off or intimidate prospective buyers.

2. Stage Every Room

Stage all the rooms in your home. When selling a luxury home, prospective buyers come with expectations that you must exceed.  A luxury home requires luxury staging of every room. Your prospective buyers may not be bargain hunters, but they also understand what their money is worth. Make sure your home, every room, does not disappoint.

3. Showcase Luxury Amenities

Luxury homes are not ordinary homes. They take décor and exquisite furnishings to extreme heights of beauty and splendour. You, therefore, need to go many extra miles when staging a luxury home. Your luxury amenities must exceed the wildest expectations of the most sophisticated buyer. For instance, if it has a movie room, stage it in a way that leaves prospective buyers thinking of how it would feel watching a movie during one those movie nights surrounded by family and friends.

4. Filter out Strong Scents

Always go for a clean, fresh scent that does not overwhelm prospective buyers as they walk-through the staged home. You should also keep off potpourri and heavily scented candles to create a luxury scent.

5. Brighten up the Spaces

Your luxuriously staged home should be properly aerated and bright. A bright, amply aired home welcomes visitors with a warmth and freshness that makes them feel rejuvenated. Let them feel as though they have just entered into a new space that is fresh, airy and spacious. To brighten up your luxury home, use light bulbs and go easy on drapes. To complete the picture for impact, use mirrors strategically to create the illusion of endless space. Finally, eliminate clutter to illuminate crisply every item in your home.

6. Stage the Home for your Target Audience

Like anything else in life, luxury is age and lifestyle specific. Luxury home staging for singles and young people looks very different from that of families and empty nesters. It is important to do thorough research to establish the target audience of your luxury home and then stage it appropriately. Find out who the most likely buyers are in view of the home’s price and location. The important thing is to tailor your home staging design to match the buyer most likely to be interested in buying the home.

7. Hire a Luxury Home Staging Professional

Hiring a professional luxury home stager is key to a successful staging. The home staging professional knows the trending luxury décor and furnishings for your luxury home. However, before hiring a home staging company, check their website for various home staging designs and settle on one that will lift the appeal of your luxury home to a new breathtaking level.

People looking to buy multi-million luxury homes are not ordinary customers. Although they have the money, they also understand what it is worth. To convince them to buy your luxury home, the staging has to be perfect and must emphasize the home’s value proposition. Besides a perfect finish, the décor and furnishing must be exquisite. Stage every room with high-class furniture and accessories.

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